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Fillmore Index
Updated 1/2014

The Fillmore takeoff is owned by Dr Mark Pratt and Ron Gruell.  Both are paraglider pilots and Ron has a HG legacy dating back to the late 1970s.  Access to launch is though locked gates across 3rd party private property.  Ron and Mark do not own a LZ, so they need to safeguard their neighbor relationships. Options directly below launch are still limited.

Please review the [Fillmore Site Protocol]

Click for Google Earth [Oat Mountain KML File]  or  [San Cayetano Ridge KML File]
If you double click on the Google Earth Placemarks (preferably the Placemark names in the Sidebar rather than the pushpins), you can fly to different views.

Click jpg image for full size, use back button to return to this page.  Images posted 11/23/12

[USGS PDF map of Santa Paula Peak]

Old Archived Fillmore Index (obsolete, for historical reference only)