[SCPA]  [Trails] & [Sites] > [The Avenue]

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The Avenue
updated 3/2015

Interactive Google Earth [KML File] 3/2015

Heavy Air Comment

Copied from: http://topaflyers.com/site_guide/siteguide.html#avenue 1990s

[The Avenue Bookmark in Topa Flyers Site Guide on SCPA Server]

Ventura, CA
Frontal Ridge/Wave site


Two moderate grassy slope launches facing NW about 700 ft. above LZ at sea level. Lower launch may produce substantial rotor in strong conditions. Windy cliff wire launch is appropriate in soarable air.


1-2 acre grammar school recreation field available after school hours ( after 3 PM weekdays ). Watch out for running kids. If more than about 1000-1500 ft. over launch is achieved, a good LZ on the beach is available. Ask locals which sections of beach are open for landing.


Any but heavy duty 2WD recommended for last quarter mile of steep dirt road.


none but Hang 3 recommended. Caution: Flying this site is quasi-legal. Vehicles riding to launch may be ticketed. Ask a local for protocol before flying


Ridge soarable in 15+ mph NW winds. In pre and post-frontal conditions, a lee wave sometimes sets up allowing for 3000 to 6000 ft. altitude gains in a lift band several miles wide. Avoid getting behind the ridge in wave soaring conditions unless you want to land back here - penetration may be difficult.


Take 101 to California St. exit in Ventura. Head northeast (away from the beach). Proceed one block past Main St. and look for town hall. Turn up steep road immediately northwest of town hall and follow it until you reach the entrance to a shooting range. Immediately before entering, turn right up rutted dirt road. After 50 feet, the road bends left and improves. Follow it to the top to reach launch.