[scpa.info]  Web site for the South Coast Paragliding Association

Proposed by law change: Proposed on 2/6/02 for vote on 2/20/02

Article 5: Membership / Proposed Text
The SCPA recognizes the following classes of membership:
  • Guest Member
  • Full Member
  • Household Member
  • Contributing Member
Guest Member
Qualifications: Current USHGA membership.
Dues: May be waived by a full member.  Full member should log the guest activity on the SCPA web site.  Donations are encouraged and should be forwarded to the Treasurer.
Benefits & Privileges: The same benefits and privileges as a full member except they will not be permitted to vote on items of substance.
Full Member
Qualifications: Current USHGA membership.
Dues: $30 per calendar year.
Benefits & Privileges:  May fly from or into launch and landing sites that the association has the authority to oversee or regulate.  May participate in all association activities.  May cast one vote at the general membership meetings on items put to the general membership for a vote if they meet the voting requirements in Article 8 of these bylaws.
Household Member
Qualifications: Same as a full member plus another person residing at the same address must be a full member.
Dues: $30 per calendar year for the full member, $20 per year for the first household member, and $10 per year for additional household members.
Benefits & Privileges: Same as a full member.  A house hold member is considered a full member, the designation is only intended to address dues.
Contributing Member
Qualifications: Same as a full member.
Dues: Same as full member plus a contribution approved by the membership.
Benefits & Privileges: Will be the same as a full member plus a contributing member may cast two votes at the general membership meetings on items put to the general membership for a vote if they meet the voting requirements in Article 8 of these bylaws.
Approved Contributions: The general membership may approve any contribution to the association, at any time. The following should be considered to qualify as approved contributions:
  • Hosting a general membership meeting.
  • Serving as an association officer or director.
  • Chairing a committee that publishes a report.
  • Donating 20 hours of non physical labor on association projects.
  • Donating 15 hours of physical labor on association projects.
  • A $100 cash donation to the association treasury in addition to the regular full membership dues.
Duration of contributing member status: Members who contribute a cash donation will be considered contributing members until their membership renewal the following year. Association officers, directors, and host will be considered contributing members the same calendar year they are serving. Members who's contribution is approved by the general membership will maintain their status as a contributor for the duration of the calendar year. The general membership may choose to renew contributing member status at the beginning of a new calendar year.
Duration of membership and payment of dues
Membership dues expire at the end of a calendar year. Dues may be prepaid through the end of the next calendar year. Full members and household members joining the association in mid year may prorate their dues for the remainder of the year, however the minimum payment to process a full membership application will be $20.
Termination of Membership
An individual's membership may be terminated by a 2/3 vote of the members present at the general membership meeting. Termination of membership is considered an item of substance requiring appropriate notification.

Old Wording
Article 5: Membership / Current Text
In addition to Subscribers, there shall be the following classes of membership:
  • Guest Member
  • Full Member
  • Household Member
  • Contributing Member
Qualifications:  None.
Dues:  $25 per calendar year.
Benefits & Privileges:  Will be on the mailing list to receive the association news letter only. A Subscriber is not considered a member.
Guest Member
Qualifications: Current USHGA membership.
Dues: $5 per day, $10 per week, $25 per month.
Benefits & Privileges: The same benefits and privileges as a full member except they will not be on the mailing list and will not be permitted to vote.
Full Member
Qualifications: Current USHGA membership.
Dues: $60 per calendar year.
Benefits & Privileges: Will be on the mailing list to receive the association news letter and mailings. May cast one vote at the general membership meetings on items put to the general membership for a vote if they meet the voting requirements in Article 8 of these bylaws. May participate in all association activities. May fly from or into launch and landing sites that the association has the authority to oversee or regulate.
Household Member
Qualifications: Same as a full member plus another person residing at the same address must be a full member.
Dues: $60 per calendar year for the full member, $48 per year for the first household member, and $36 per year for additional household members.
Benefits & Privileges: Same as a full member except they will not be on the mailing list and will not receive an additional copy of the association news letter and mailings.
Contributing Member
Qualifications: Same as a full member.
Dues: Same as full member plus a contribution approved by the membership.
Benefits & Privileges: Will be the same as a full member except a contributing member may cast two votes at the general membership meetings on items put to the general membership for a vote if they meet the voting requirements in Article 8 of these bylaws.
Approved Contributions: The general membership may approve any contribution to the association, at any time. The following should be considered to qualify as approved contributions:
  • A $100 cash donation to the association treasury in addition to the regular full membership dues.
  • Serving as an association officer or director.
  • Chairing a committee that publishes a report.
  • Donating 20 hours of non physical labor on association projects.
  • Donating 15 hours of physical labor on association projects.
Duration of contributing member status: Members who contribute a cash donation will be considered contributing members until their membership renewal the following year. Association officers and directors will be considered contributing members the same calendar year they are serving. Members who's contribution is approved by the general membership will maintain their status as a contributor for the duration of the calendar year. The general membership may choose to renew contributing member status at the beginning of a new calendar year.
Duration of membership and payment of dues
Membership dues expire at the end of a calendar year. Dues may be prepaid through the end of the next calendar year. Full members and household members joining the association in mid year may prorate their dues for the remainder of the year, however the minimum payment to process a full membership application will be $25.
Termination of Membership
An individual's membership may be terminated by a 2/3 vote of the members present at the general membership meeting. Termination of membership is considered an item of substance requiring appropriate notification.


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