URL Address
updated 4/2022

Our weather page is set up as a "Frames Page".  This has several advantages, but also some disadvantages.  The URL address (uniform resource locator) will not be displayed in the address bar.  A "frames page" is actually a collection of several pages, and only the address of the main frames page will be displayed. Frames pages work better on a larger monitor but not so good on small screens like cell phones.

If you want the address of a target page, you can force the link to open the target in a "New Window".  The "New Window" will show the URL address of the link.  You can then copy and paste the URL address into whatever you want (Word docs, excel files, email, etc).

To force a link to open in a "New Window"
in Internet Explorer:
Hold down the shift key and click on the hyperlink.

You can also Identify the URL Link by right clicking inside the frame in question, and selecting properties from the pop up menu.  The properties will display the URL link to the page in the frame. (Internet Explorer)

You can also copy the hyperlink, paste it to an application like Word, and then click on it.  It will work if the link is an "absolute reference", but if it's only a "relative reference", it won't know how to get there.  It's generally better to force a new window and get the absolute reference from the address bar.

Prior to our 4/2022 update, some of the links that needed to open in their own window used a "named" window to avoid opening a large number of windows. That was good for multiple observation reporting stations, but for the 4/2022 update we abandoned most of the individual reporting stations in favor of the MesoWest interactive map. We did keep a few stations in the menu list because the MesoWest interactive map is problematic on a cell phone.