Observations / maps & links
Updated 8/2006 / partial update 11/2014

Our collection of links list most of the observation stations that report wind and temp data for our area.  Check out the surface observation map near the top of the listed observation links (unfortunately, it's slow to load).  The stations are listed, but better yet, you can click on a the stations shown on the map to pop up a viewing window.  Additional stations that you click on will open in the same pop up window, so it's a simple way to graphically see what's going on.

We list the 3 sectors near us, Local, North for the Owens Valley, and East for Blackhawk through San Diego
Other observation zone maps are listed at:

http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/index.php?CNBOOK=AS-FT-20000tA58dfiCDGEHv.ylzg9Le  not resolving on 11/2014 check

Some of the links come from other sources, but I think most of the NWS stations mirror the CDEC stations (California Department of Water Resources).  The CDEC pages state their station location with altitude and link to a map, but the NWA pages only show altitude, and you can view their location on a map.  The stations seem to match up on the maps, but the altitudes are slightly different and I don't know why.

We choose to make the NWA links the default because they are easier to read, but you can get to the CDEC links by clicking on the question mark ? and then clicking on the station marker.