[SCPA] [Sites] [Santa Barbara] [Protocol]

[SBSA] [Discussion Forum] [Protocol]

East Beach Landing Area Guidelines
Copied from the SBSA web site dated 4/16/04

  1. Chose an approach and touch down spot far enough away from all other users to avoid conflict or the perception that there could be conflict.
  2. Be aware of all kiting activity and potential pull-ups, and land at a reasonable distance away. If necessary, politely announce your intention to land to people who may be kiting before you make your final approach.
  3. Do not approach over grounded wing lines when a pull-up is possible.
  4. Do not approach over the bike path.
  5. If the entire designated landing area is too busy for a safe landing and areas outside the boundaries are open, land outside of the boundary.
  6. When carrying a glider across the bike path, yield to other traffic.
  7. Don’t fold up on the jogging path.
  8. Do not leave any glider unattended unless it is secured so that the wind cannot relocate it and make sure the wires/lines are stowed away from unaware kids.
  9. When at the landing area, actively assist other incoming pilots with condition reports and if necessary notify other beach users of the incoming traffic and probable traffic pattern. To be an effective assistance, pilots may need to use different radio frequencies.
  10. Do not land at this site unless if you are an advanced rated pilot and current member of the USHGA.
  11. Do not kite or ground handle at this site unless you are an intermediate rated pilot and a current member of the USHGA.
  12. No motors. Operating or not.
  13. Do not go on glide for the beach unless you are sure that you will arrive over the LZ with at least 500 feet AGL. Do not squeak in low! When in doubt, turn back (early) and land at a predetermined bailout LZ.
  14. Plan a flight path that that does not go over the densely inhabited areas of the City. This means that you will arrive at the beach east of the LZ. Avoid the Zoo, the Clark Estate and the Cemetery.
  15. Know where the local air space is restricted and be aware of other air traffic, especially as you get closer to the beach. The most likely encounters would be from west bound traffic---in route to Santa Barbara Airport
  16. All landings occur on the ocean side of the bike path. Land on the sand. Do not land so that any part of your hang glider, paraglider, or body is on or over the ice plant, bike path or grass. Walk (don’t kite) your glider from the sand to the grass to pack up

Please do not land at the Beach before walking (or cruising) the LZ.
Check out the parking options and wind indicator locations.

These guidelines are subject to change and are not intended to replace the need to contact a local guide for a complete site-specific orientation.