For the general membership meeting held on the above date
At the following location:
Bruce and Marilyn Wallace's house
2081 Avd de la Cruzada
Ojai, CA 93023
Introduced New Guests:
- Bo Criss, experienced flight instructor Utah, now working with Fly Above
Ratify Minutes:
Treasurer Report:
- Balance $902.77
- Paid:
- PO BOX Fee $55
- USHGA $275
- Passed around list of members with amount due.
- Everyone who was there signed in and paid their $30 membership fee,
except Chad and Bo.
Old Items:
- Discussed the completion of the Club T-shirts
- cost and prices ($15.00)
- Agreed to pay for the digitization from the club funds $125.00 (payable
to Benson Lamb).
New Items:
- Hesham Ghobarah presented the Ham Radio Repeater Use for Emergency
- Discussed Pine Mountain P-3 requirements, liabilities, etc.
- Sharon Sweeney volunteered to gather information and put together a write
up on the P-3 requirements to be posted for further visiting pilots.
Upcoming Events:
- Big Sur, “Wild Cattle Games”, April 19-21
- Big Bear/Black Hawk, April 26th
- Torry Pines Air Races, May 3-5
- California Comp at Marshall and Elsinore, May 22-27
- National Paragliding Championship, Owens Valley Sept. 21-29
New Topic:
- Share Worse Flight, so as to learn from the mistake.
Next Meeting:
- June 12, 2002 at 7 pm
- Rob Sporrer volunteered to organize the next meeting
It will be held outdoors atop the RC hill at Willowbrook Ranch
Kristi Bechtold,
Treasurer, SCPA & Substitute Secretary