

For the general membership meeting held on the above date
At the following location:

Brendan Pegg's condo
1007 Inspiration Way
Ventura,  CA   93001

The meeting opened about:   7:20 PM
Welcome Guest & New Members

Claude Fiset, Instructor, new Ojai resident from Canada, first meeting

Hesham Ghobarah, first meeting

Edward Skow, first meeting

Bylaw & Website Notation

Flight Stories

Brendan Pegg

Tandem flight with Tom from Skyport to Fillmore,  educational

Skyport to Rattlesnake Trail, land in brush, hanging upside down, comments from hikers, back to launch and flew again.

Ron Faoro

Skyport to Carpinteria on same day Brendan flew to Fillmore

Today, Lunch hour, Skyport, 4,200'

Claude Fiset

Drove down from Canada

Chiefs to Topa Topa school

Sulfur Mountain to Home

Edward Scow

Physical Therapy 3 times a week, off crutches

Sharon Sweeney

Pint Mountain, Good Air to 8,500', view over both sides, cruised past Wolf's Grill and back to Sand Pile

Next weekend Pine again,  determined, flew under higher pilots over knob, 360 low but no lift and out of terrain clearance, land in center of oak tree, hanging upside down 10' off ground, Mariana to rescue, doing splits across the trees

Dan Keyser

Today, Skyport, 1-1/2 hours, 4,400', good scenery, cold

Kristi Bechtold

Skyport, launch into ***, S.E. heading, broke out next to Round House

First flight at The Avenue, Ventura, 40 minutes

Zvi Eshel

Flew Octane at Chiefs, 3 condors, 5,800'

Next weekend watched J.F. from Canada launch into *** from Chiefs, compass & GPS, broke out behind Twin Peaks, soarable underneath, did not fly personally

Hesham Ghobarah

Pine Mountain, no wind, blown first attempt, collected from brush, good second attempt, up to 9,200' over knob, first soaring flight at Pine, highest personal altitude outside the Owens Valley

Next Day, Chiefs, 5,400', first mountain flight without instructor

Casey Rogers

Launch into *** at Skyport, complete ***, inside for several minutes, lost reference, pop out over Holly Hills

Bob Santoro

Flew airplane VFR in IFR conditions, complete ***, spotty directional reference, flew less than 20 miles in 30 minutes

Bob Hurlbett

Cloudy from Skyport, mistook the power line ridge off  The Factory for the Round House Ridge

Skyport to Carpinteria, a couple big canopy mishaps enroute, full stalls and surges below the horizon

Tom Truax

First flights on new glider, Bonanza, Skyport to The Rock, land and thumb back to launch, off again and took house thermal up to 6,300, glide to Carpinteria and land in street in front of house

Hike up to the "Nut House", launch overgrown, launch late and take first personal sleder form the new launch, land in the Nut House parking lot

Low cloud base day, 3 from The Bypass, 1st to 3,600' to cemetery (East Beach), 2nd lost in front of Round House, pop out in front of Parkers, 3rd off in ***, cloudbase about 1700, pop out over Monastery, soarable, land in front of Topa Chase at the intersection of El Cielito & Rockwood



Treasurer, Bob Santoro

Prepaid $325.20 for 27 months of web hosting 

Balance in Bank at start of meeting was $615.80

Plus $40 collected at the meeting applied towards 2001 dues

IS Director  /  Casey Rogers with help Tom Truax & Claude Fiset

Web page is now hosted on shared server by Interland (hosting company). Site currently contains Bylaws, minutes, meeting info, and logo submissions.  Should add features with time. 

Casey Rogers agreed to act as IS Director to get the web site on track,  current work done by Tom Truax


Thatcher School / Bob Hurlbett

Bob reports a conversation with a prominent school supporter.  Prospects look dim.  School is concerned about liability of horses getting spooked while kids are riding them 


Old Business

Logo / Karen Santoro, Sara Weber, Dan Keyser, Benson Lamb

Sara compiled suggestions from previous meeting and composed new submissions which were posted on the web site, Benson also submitted some drawings which were posted on the web site.

Comments and suggestions were taken.

Adjustments will be made and posted on the web site for input from the membership to review and comment.

The Rock

Ron Faoro spoke with the new owner of  "The Rock", Cory Whelan.  Ron is his cat's vet and is on good terms with him.  He reports that he is adamantly opposed to paraglider pilots launching from The Rock.

Brendan gives legal opining that continued use after we have been told to stay off will not strengthen a claim of easement by prescription.  Use must be open and notorious, sneaking would not be considered open and notorious.  Bob adds that use must be continuous and it's unlikely that our use would be considered continuous.

Motion was made and passed to buy Cory a bottle of good tequila.  One of Benson's logo submissions was signed by those present to be used as a card and Ron will buy and deliver the tequila and card to Cory.

Dan Keyser volunteered to research the property boundary and county right of way at the courthouse

New Business

Election of officers for the year 2001

Treasurer:  Bob Santoro was nominated for a second term, he accepted the nomination and was elected by a unanimous vote of the members present

President:  Dan Keyser was nominated, he accepted the nomination and was elected by a unanimous vote of the members present



Frank Jordano

Doing better and crewing again

Zvi volunteered to buy a cactus for X-mass, signed another Benson logo as card.

Voice Mail Box

New Voice Mail box has been set up, details on the web site


Next Meeting

7 PM, Wednesday, February 8, 2001

Sharon Sweeney's House
5596 Calle Ocho
Carpinteria, CA  93013


Summary & Close about 9:30

Thanks to:

Sharon, for corn bread & brownies

Kristi, for lasagna & cookies

Dan, for chili

Brendan, for hosting