SCPA minutes from meeting held on:                                               04-13-00

Bob Santoro gave the treasurer report.

P.O. Box in Upper Village was secured for 1 year to expire of 3/29/01.  Keys are held by the Secretary and the Treasurer

The New Address is:

P.O. Box 50651

Santa Barbara or Montecito,  CA   93150

The new address will be noted in the Bylaws.

The Box fee is $44 per year.  Bob Santoro offered to cover the first year as a donation to the organization.

Bob opened a checking account at the Montecito Branch of the Santa Barbara Bank & Trust.  The Account # is 08098 469.  Bob opted for a personal joint account to keep the fees minimal.

The bank account contains $811.  An additional $60 dollars was collected at the meeting.

Mike Cruse reports that he is ready to run the web site from his computer.  Using his computer to host the web site will keep the fees to a minimum at the cost of somewhat reduced access speed (his DSL upload speed).

A motion was made and passed unanimously that the web address be “”

To register the name for 2 years is estimated to cost about $70.

Bob Santoro was concerned about the low turnout for the meeting.  It was suggested that better notice be given.

Bob also was interested in marketing the organization.

Some brainstorming ideas included:

·        A web page.  Need a web literate volunteer.

·        A logo.  Bob volunteered his wife Karen to have several by next meeting.  Benson also volunteered to do a logo for consideration.

·        A flyer.  good idea but no volunteers presently.  Would like to have an 8-1/2 by 11” flyer foldable into 3 sections by the July fly in.

·        Hats and T-shirts.  Will wait till after the logo.

·        Booth for New Years fly in.  Looking for a committee chairperson for booth.

Chamber of Commerce.  Later

·        Goal to have 10 pilots attend next meeting

No report form James on progress with Thatcher School.


Next meeting was scheduled for same location, on Thursday, June 8 @ 7:30 PM.