
Proposed change to Article 6 of the SCPA Bylaws

Current Wording
Shall be appointed by the President.
Shall keep the minutes of the general membership meetings and any BOD meetings.
Shall publish and distribute the draft minutes from the previous meeting at the current meeting.
Shall summarize the minutes and ask for certification of the minutes.
Shall maintain the records of the association with the exception of the membership list which shall be directly maintained by the treasurer. The secretary should have access to the membership list.
Proposed Wording
Shall be appointed by the President.
Shall bring a hard copy of these Bylaws to The General Membership Meetings.
Shall keep The Minutes of The General Membership Meetings and any BOD meetings.
Shall publish draft minutes on the web site and solicit clarifications, additions, and corrections.
The Secretary may modify and republish drafts at their discretion.
Shall ask for certification of the minutes.
Shall maintain the records of the association with the exception of the membership list which shall be directly maintained by the treasurer. The secretary should have access to the membership list.