
Chief Wed 1/16

From: GeneJock
Remote Name:


A wonderfully fun and active day -- maximum recorded lift/sink both about 1050 feet per minute.

Marilyn drove Chris and me up to launch -- Chris took off first. He waited around for a while at about 6500 feet while I fought with some line tangles on the ground. He then headed west but lost it over the Stooges and landed in the wind machine field. I finally took off at about 12:45 PM and pretty quickly climbed up to 6500 as well over Chief. Played with going west for a while, but at that time learned about Chris's problems over the Stooges so I turned around and headed east. Got up to 7500 feet over East Repeater, lost some and gained it back on the way toward the Topa Bluffs. Got down to under six before going up to 8100 feet over the Buffs. At this point, I was getting cold and had to go to my son's basketball game. So I flew out over St. Thomas Aquinas College and straight down Highway 150, landing in a field a bit north of downtown Santa Paula. The flight was an hour and 33 minutes and 10.6 miles.
