
Chief's Sat/Sun

From: Dan
Activity_Date: 9/1-2/01
Remote Name:


Saturday the temp. differential between the valley floor and 6000' was 18 degrees F. Tom P. John K. Claude, two of Claude's students, Brendan and Kristi and myself launched. The wind coming up Chief's was strong mixed with thermals. John flew past Nordoff HS, the students ending up close to Bacalli's field. Kristi landed at the strip, Brendan at the HS, Tom P I forgot, but he did not make it to the HS and myself on the 17th fairway.

Sunday it was Tom P. Casey, Zvi, Kevin D. and myself. The temp differential was closer to 28 degrees F. The wind was still out of the east and wind gusts at launch were rippin. Tom P landed at his house in Oakview, Zvi and I landed South of NHS close to Hwy 33 and Casey landed at the HS. The view and flying was spectacular. The cummies behind us were thermal nuclear out by Pine etc.
