
Too Early For BH and RF

From: BH
Activity_Date: 3/7/01
Remote Name:


The Spin Dr., Dan, Sharon and Phillip decided to get an early jump on what we thought might turn out to be an over-developing day. Met at Parma at 9:30, Ron and I between appointments and planning to slip in a quick flight before returning to the daily grind.

We knew upon arriving at Skyport that we'd mis-judged the day. Too warm for a decent lapse rate; weak cycles up the front; a few forming cumis but nothing approaching over-development. Oh well, Ron and I waited as long as we could, then launched sled rides to Parma; managed 50' or so above launch but the glide across was ho-hum. 30 minutes later, we left for the cars as Phillip circled 300+ over, the day clearly calling for patience as confirmed by SD and Casey during their launch-hour.
