Alternator 4/25

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Alternator 4/25

Postby Kabir » Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:34 pm

Got to fly the alternator today and was surprised with semi decent cycles coming up the hill.
Waited for a bit till the bushes where actually moving and took off around 11:30 or so.

there where some thermals in the usual spots although preety small in size
So I started to "hit" them and get a bust up every time.
i like the mini roller coaster rides of going in and out of them and since there was not too much sink i kept gaining altitude untill I decided to cross to westbowl.
came just about level with the top and started to get mini climbs for a bit untill I found myself at 4k.
Hoping to get higher zi hung out right on top of WB tilll I got to 4500.
So then i hoped to stick around and maybe get high enough to go to the Training hill.
But then i got a round of mostly sink theat got me back to semi scratching.
Waited a bit and the climbing began again.
Little by little i made my way back to 4500 but was not sure if i could make the hill even in such a bouyant day.

So after a while i realized I had to go catch my ride back up the hill when i saw a purple glideer ( I think that it was Andy (not Palmer)) coming from skyport? tried to make contact on the radio but no dice so i just went to cienegitas and got there w 3k.
it was fun to boat around for abit there. then i took the quick way down to catch my ride.

beware! cienegitas has the gnarliest concentration of fox tails and other super sticky grass stuff ever.
Not to menion an incredibly high leve of allergenic sustances.

It is great to get to fly 2 days in a row!
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Pine 4/25

Postby Chris G » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:09 pm

Sounds like you made the good call today. Marty, Ron F, Gung-ho Gary, and I headed for Pine hoping that the North wouldn't be too strong. It was light OTB when we got there but just got stronger. It was tempting enough for Marty to get his new squirrely ship out of the backpack, but gusted down hard before he could get it out of the stuff-sack. We eyeballed the N launch but by 1pm it was just plain strong.
I know It was converging somewhere in the valley but there's just no way to get to it. Shucks.

Oh well. Ya never know if you don't go.
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Re: Pine 4/25

Postby Robb » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:08 pm

>>>Oh well. Ya never know if you don't go<<<

unless, of course, you had a automatic weather station. The four of you could have had it installed and running by lunch, and still made chiefs for the afternoon.
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Re: Pine 4/25

Postby Chris G » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:30 pm

This, of course, is true. We thought about that on the drive down. We need to find a weekend where folks are going up there anyway and we can just get it done.
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Re: Pine 4/25

Postby diablo » Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:25 am

How about tomorrow! It looks great on paper.

Re: Alternator 4/25

Postby Bo Criss » Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:50 pm


Nice flying over West Bowl. I was the one who snuck on over to say hello, but you bugged out before I could climb up to you. Nice day, a bit tricky on the transitions, but it was working.

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