Sharp and Sassy---Thursday

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Sharp and Sassy---Thursday

Postby Chip Bartley » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:38 pm

Well, well,

Exciting to be back in the air for the first time since February 6th. I've been waiting for my knee to heal up a bit so as to tolerate launching and landing. It was kinda wishy washy this morning trying tro figure out the winds aloft and whos psychic powers where going to be more accurate. at the end of the day most all the usual suspects converged on Parma and we where on our way. Faoro on a conference call me trying to put out fires and a few other work matters that at this point where becoming less and less important. The locals where soaring, students where launching with Andy and Parma Chris showing them the way.

Got to the Skyport and Rob was as consistant as ever hucking the nuwbies with the consistant encouraging caalllllmmm ground to air words of wisdom and the views where particularly good as well! :lol: .
Marty and Faoro launched with Chris G. and several others without missing a beat. they cruised to the RR and then to the Thermal factory and started to spec. It was down to Gary, myself and Rob on tandom with Sheri.

It was all good however, the cycles where getting lighter and shade lasting longer. being the first launch with recent torn ligaments I was a little nervous as I had to switch my right leg behind me to the left. Its amazing how different it feels when you make such a seemingly simple change. After a couple boudts with switchy air and some apprehension on my part I got my wing overhead and off I went with no pain and a grin from ear to ear. Looking at this point for a non existing house thermal I headed straight to the Antennas where everyone seemed to be going up. On the way it was one punch after another and some much needed active piloting. Over the Antennas the thermals where strong and sharp as all get out. Although I got high it was turbulent. The wind was picking up and things where getting sketch in my book so I decided after about 10-15 minutes to head off to Parma to see how my wheel would be on landing. It looked like a party at the LZ there where so many pilots.

coming into Parma they where reporting SW winds 8-12. I set up and focused on a left leg first landing which was also going to be new. Came in with a uneventfull, successfull landing feeling good. To top it off it was great to see Kevin passing out the love as he had just arrived back from the Tour in Brazil. Can't wait to do it again........ imagine that. Good seeing everyone today! Have a great weekend :!:
Chip B
Chip Bartley
Posts: 103
Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:18 pm
Location: Camarillo Ca.

March Comes In Like A Lion

Postby faoro » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:32 pm

Yesterday, we were Flyin' In The Rain. Today was very Spring-like as well. A dozen PG's and Little John - representing the hang gliders - went up to Skyport today. Debbie was saying the wind had backed way off (after Montecito station had been reporting 40-50 mph overnight) and there was cumulus development everywhere. It looked good with a strong lapse rate. Some newbies made their first high flights. But the air turned out to be as edgy as these local mountains ever get. Only Marty (and Little John) seemed to master the small, sharp thermals. While I did the "yanked up by the seat of my pants and dropped down the elevator shaft" entry and exit from the thermals, Marty sliced and diced and made coring these Tazmanian devils look easy. A surgeon's touch, to be sure.

It was a beautiful spring day, but who noticed? We were all busy just keeping the wings over our heads. Already tonight, the wind is blowing about 20-30 mph over my house in Sycamore Canyon. DHV 1-2 anyone?
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:21 am

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