Posted on behalf of SA by SD
Hello Pilot’s,
We are happy to report that Santa Barbara Tower/TRACON has given the flying community a verbal agreement to commence flying at More Mesa in the manner we had prior to our renegotiations which have been ongoing since the summer of 2008.
We almost lost the privilege of this wonderful flying site because we failed to follow the established protocol. We stand to lose this privilege if we fail to adhere to the requirements made by Santa Barbara Tower/TRACON in our new verbal agreement. There will be no re-write of our current contract.
Parma Chris made a couple of phone calls to the tower during the renegotiations in 2009 asking for any new updates on our flying privileges at More Mesa. Chris was given an open invitation to take a tour of the tower and TRACON facility. Chris met with tower officials at the end of 2009 for his tour. During the tour the officials were receptive to ideas and facts presented by Chris which led to the officials outlining a protocol that if followed would constitute verbal consent by Santa Barbara Tower/TRACON to give the flying community their desired access to flying at More Mesa, namely our ability to fly west of the launch area again.
Chris set up a conference call with Santa Barbara Tower/TRACON and Rob Sporrer since his name is on the written contract. Santa Barbara Tower/TRACON officials agreed we could operate as we had in the past as long as we followed the conditions discussed in the verbal agreement made on the conference call. We agreed to the linked terms in order to regain our previous flying privileges at More Mesa.