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Mrshal Tuesday 4/17

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:54 pm
by Chip Bartley
Monday I got a call from Kevin M. and he said he had some time off and was thinking about going to Marshal. I had never been there so I was game. New place to fly sounds good. I got on and checked the weather and it looked to be the best Tuesday. We left at 10:30am and got to the Air Park at about 12:30. A couple of the locals where there and hooked us up with a site intro and hospitality. We worked out the plan for retrieve and took off to launch at about 2pm. While waiting, there where clouds popping and strong cycles moving thru. Once we got to launch at around 3pm there where a few Hangys in the air that seemed to be having no problem going up. Kevin and I waited a while longer to see a couple of the local pilots launch their bags and see how the air was. Right when we got geared up and set to launch, one of the guys flying in fromt of launch about 1100 over was falling out of the sky like a ton of bricks. It looked as if we where at a maneuvers clinic gone bad :shock: When I first saw him he was in a stall and the wing surged so hard that he went slack and fell thru his lines. His arms and legs where flailing and he went in to a series of spirals, spins, etc. He was stuck in a downward spiral and I looked at Kevin and we both thought and had time to verbalize he was going to have to huck his reserve.. At the end of the day he lost approx. 1000 vertical feet and recovered. We waited for another 15-20 minutes and set up to launch at about 4:15. Kevin was sporting a Trango 3 and left on a good cycle and immediately was above launch and pushing out front going up. I launched after another local pilot got airborne and was off the ground as soon as I turned and started to push forward. The wind was SW at approx 10knots. There where really sweet and what seemed to me to be fairly organized thermals. I worked to actually fly on purpose and not just boat around aimlessly. it was interesting to set up a course to follow. Anyhow, the boyant air made it easy. Had fun for a couple of hours and headed out. I would do it again. It beets working :D

100 min. 7,500 alt, 1200/min up and 800/min down