9/23/17 Skyport to Agua Dulce 79 + | and more

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9/23/17 Skyport to Agua Dulce 79 + | and more

Postby bb_secretary » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:01 pm

Mitch Riley came back to town earlier this month and has been cracking off some impressive flights, like:

Skyport to Agua Dulce last Saturday 9/23/2017
79 plus miles, the longest flight from SB this year (2017 HG or PG)

Mitch then got out again on a Monday 9/25 for an impressive backcountry loop from The Skyport, Flying to Big Pine, then the Watershed Divide, and back to Parma, upwind on the front range from West Divide

You can also view some of Mitch's other flight archive assets including his flight last Friday (9/22) from Pine past Lancaster (86 miles) at

We are fortunate that Mitch has opted to return for another season. He is adding to our collective knowledge as he explores and demonstrates possibilities. It’s easy to be awed, but there is a real benefit to studying his flight archive assets. Look forward to his narrative.

… Seems like he pops off a lot of his long flights on Wednesdays?
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