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Nutty Mother

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:31 am
by DeVietti_Marty
Somehow Brendan, Tom and I got out for a hike to the Nuthouse on Mother's Day, but I was the lucky amigo that got up and out after the hottest, most tiring, and remarkably bug free climb to the top I can remember.

We got to the trailhead at 9:15, and I was last to launch around 10:00 or so. Brendan was off first at around 10:45, scratched and clawed for what seemed like forever, but eventually landed below. Ugh! Tom was off next at 11:00 and got up a few hundred over, then out and around sniffing for lift and looked safely established at times. I launched at 11:15 and joined him and tightened my turn a little at one point and that got me up and away. Tom fought for a long while, but eventually landed below too. Rats!

The clouds looked nice, but were behind the ridge peeking out with North drift. I spent the next 3 hrs going to Chiefs, back along the ridge towards Nordoff Peak, back to Chiefs, and eventually back to Nordoff ridge out front and never got above 7500 but once the whole flight. I was pleased with my height and altitude, except for the fact I couldn't get the extra 4 grand to get to base! It was frustrating and humbling, but all in all, I got a good workout, and survived the grunt up the hill to launch. Thanks to Brendan and Tom for coming out to play, and for driving the rig back to the high school. Landed in strong wind but landed softly. Took a while to pack in the shade and then home. love that Nuthouse!

Re: Nutty Mother

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:40 pm
by Pipkin_Tom
Nice job Marty on working 2+ hours clawing for position to go otb. I have no doubt you'll make that connection someday.