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Spring Flying at the Grade

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:40 pm
by pengoquin
The Grade was really pumping this afternoon, but the air wasn't what got my heart racing. On the hike up I met a cute cuddly little rattlesnake! The little bugger was startled by my arrival, so he gave a half assed attempt to strike, then shook his tail and slithered away. It's amazing how far you can jump with a good shot of adrenaline. I found the remainder of the climb to launch to be very quick.

The flying was a fun, but a very active mix of thermals and ridgelift. Climbs to cloud base were abundant and strong, at times hard to get away from.

Today's excitement reminded me of how I respond when people say, "Paragliding must be very dangerous." I say, "It's the trip to launch that's dangerous." Becareful out there!